很轻,样子够古怪,接收应该够难买:L ,北京见过有人有一只 Here is my nomadio react,is not namiado,haha 给大家大概介绍一下吧..这控是multiplex的....出来很多年了...名字叫. PROFI.总部再德国..这个样子的一共又3个型号..301, 303, 707.
3字打头的是3通, 7字的是5通..用6节电池..还有..这个控急可以是AM也可以是FM..
General Adjustments
Modulation - AM - FM - IPD
Trim button sensitivity range 0.5% and 3%, in 0.5% increments
Application for Ch 3 - 3-position switch, flasher, prop. channel
Trim rocker assignment
Mode select 6 different control modes available (7 on 707).
Battery threshold, variable from 6.8 - 7.2 V
Lap Timer
Nominal time
(optional sec / 10 sec / min)
Throttle & Brake
Throttle exponential (301 & 403)
Disengaged / Engaged / Lock brake points
Idle / Start / Full throttle points
Servo reverse
Servo format (MPX/UNI)
Additional features on the 707
No. of servos
1 throttle/brake servo
1 throttle, 1 brake servo
1 throttle, 2 brake servos
Lock point and engage point for 2nd brake servo
Exponential (+/- 100%)
Servo travel (min, centre, max)
Servo reverse
Servo format (MPX/UNI)
On the 707 you can also adjust:
No. of steering servos (1/2)
For 2nd servo: travel, reverse and format
Memory Management
Transfer Model Setups To/From your PC!
The PC Interface software is now available for download!
Click here to download a .ZIP file with the installation software
Switch the current memory
Copy the current memory to the selected memory
Reset: resets the memory to default values
Jason-Jo说的那个和这个象的是Nomido的Mr. Sensor..那是新出的..可以双向交流..但是要加感应头..