Trinity 推出新的马达机
Trinity’s new Monster Horsepower Machine is designed to break in, condition, and test all your standard and 1/18-scale mini motors (from 8-turn mods to stock motors). It has a fully programmable “AutoRun” mode, which simulates the variable voltage input a motor sees when run on the racetrack. Its constant voltage “Motor Run In” mode runs your motor at a continually at a constant voltage (which can be set between .01 – 8.0 volts). Finally, it has a programmable “Condition Run In” mode that automatically runs your motor until the brushes have been broken in to the predetermined condition, which you specify. The unit can store data on 12 motors for easy comparison.
2.马达主轴上装的那个东西是做什么用的。做负载吗?如果是做负载用来测试电机性能的,它可是有点小。 按原理!那是一个磁铁!下面是霍尔器件的传感器,检测转速和其他运动参数 是 感应器的 反射面 ,用与 计算转速 说实话 外观看起来 非常 简陋