我准备买拼装的supra和R33。supra是田宫的,R33是富士美的,我想要在他们身上加灯,请大家帮我想一下线路,开关,电源怎么弄?(前后灯都有)http://v.886.cn/7juZ/124184715/124184715_50783.jpg 这是supra的内脏,至于R33的,我找不到。谢谢你们了!!
PS:1那位做A8加灯模型的大哥,我短消息你N回了,可你为啥老不回.... 只要有灯杯都很容易解决买产品灯或者自己连 .......主要是在安灯的情况下不影响原来的外观和精细度(静模里面是有座椅什么的,和动模不一样 应该问题不大排线精细点就行了 :em08:静模区好冷清......... Help! Add lights on static mode! I tried many times, and in high-speed supra R33 art scene.. Can I just a student, so I want to finish this dream from the model. First, I consider is dynamic model, but not because of external R33 dynamic model and expensive, so I quit. Before this, I have numerous asked some of the seller, promised to buy, but, I have no money. I'm sorry. Because I have no money, and delay of your valuable time. I'm going to buy the supra R33 and assembled. Supra's tamiya R33, is beautiful, I want the Fuji upon them with light, please help me to a line, switch power, how to do? (have) before it is light supra's guts, but I couldn't find R33. Thank you!!!!!!!!!! PS: 1 the lamp of model with A8 do short message you eldest brother, I returned to N, but you do not old. 0.0...Chinlish 进这个论坛吧,注册之后进合金迷你模型改造、改喷专区
http://www.52mbx.com/bbs/index.asp 你在找我啊!我有好久好久没有来了! Mustang 发表于 11-1-30 18:37 static/image/common/back.gif