dipingxiana 发表于 11-5-7 22:22:52


s527372403 发表于 11-5-8 03:59:36


ver 发表于 11-5-8 11:04:30

you will loose top end torque by making the pipe longer and by making it that long you are distrupting the timing. the timing of a two stroke engine relies pretty much on the exhaustsystem.:em01:

thome123 发表于 11-5-11 16:19:42


kylin83710 发表于 11-5-12 18:35:52

不错 不错 学习了

tanyanganoetone 发表于 11-5-23 17:09:54

上个视频看看呢··好的话 回头我也改个玩玩···

龍龍 发表于 11-5-23 17:42:12


伐者罗 发表于 11-5-24 09:38:47

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