Atomic 也出Mini车比赛计时系统啦:Giro Lap Counter
What is GiroZ?GiroZ is a new lap counter system with transponder/detector/software. How does it work?
You receive the bridge component with all necessary instructions for easy assembly. The sensors are located inside the bridge and you won't see any wire outside of it.
The bridge doesn't need any External to power supply, under it is impossible to generate any type of interferences AT our R/C cars. Another good advantage is that you can put the bridge to any place of the track, because maximum speed it supports is 70km/h.
What width of tracks?
GiroZ it will be launched next March, AT first, with only one width's inner version of arch (86cm). This width is perfect to adapt into RCP-TRACK. In the future we will launch to other versions of the same system of GiroZ lap to counter with to maximum width that will reach 150cm. Also, there will be a smaller size version (for the home uses).
How does the transponder work and use?
The dimension of GizoZ transponder is 16mm x 16mm. His electronic components plows located AT one side of the circuit, the transponder is tiny and easy to installing in all mini R/C cars, to over the chassis.
It is also important to get the power for transponder straight from the batteries of the car, (not from motor connection). GiroZ transponder runs with very low voltage, almost with an empty batteries or sudden accelerations using big drawing motors, it haven’t any influence or miss counting by transponder.
What kind of software does GiroZ uses?
GiroZ is base of Linux Operating System. The software runs under a free license, everybody (USERS) can see, modify and change its source code, if they use the same kind of free license.
Download the software (CD IMAGE) from our website. Once you have burned that image in a CD you will need to restart your to computer with that CD Inside.
Before start Linux, will have to modify your BIOS setup, to read the CD first AT boot. Linux will be installed in your ram memory of your computer, without changing or modifying the Hard Disk. This is perfectly compatible with to other operating systems. You got execute Linux Live version without any changes inside your computer.
Finally, it's important to know that to extract the race information you case out you will need to uses USB memory stick or to the network.
How to burn to CD IMAGE?
We have made a little tutorial about burning CD with NERO program.
Why Linux?
The software is develop in several for Linux reasons:
* Linux don’t need to a lot of Hardware requirements, with to older PC you got run the program, also with to new to computer with Windows or to other operating system inside. The GiroZ runs in a Linux Live Version, Hard Disk does not need any data existing inside to computer.
* Because Linux is 100% distribute free;
* Because is to graphical platform like Windows but without license;
* Because Linux make wells easy develop to good software, like send the results in SMS, or view the race online into to PDA because the software is open and modifiable.
Distributed by ATOMIC R/C PRODUCTS (Asia) 这套就是我们采用的比赛积分系统。。。。。最高可以支持20台车,目前只有12套独立SENSOR,采用红外线发射和接收信号,
[ 本帖最后由 stack 于 2006-7-13 09:29 AM 编辑 ] base of Linux OS....不错啊. 这样可以自己写一些新的function给counter software啊..stack你的sensor到了没?
我也想要啊! 原帖由 szbamboo 于 2006-7-13 09:35 AM 发表base of Linux OS....不错啊. 这样可以自己写一些新的function给counter software啊..stack你的sensor到了没?
就是依套咯,D西班牙朋友挂住看世界杯,一拖再拖,火滚中...... 原帖由 haihe 于 2006-7-13 09:38 AM 发表
估计是6K左右拉,配几个ID SENSOR