ATOMIC The New Feature Product: SAS
What is SAS?SAS full name is Suspension Arm System, this is rear suspension part that allows the axel to be moved either up or down to excellent handling and balance on AWD. 可调整车高:em07: 可调整Down-stop Toe in/out adjustment. Camber Angle.
Default 0*
Options 1*,2*,3* Damper Angle.
Two post for selection 有人开始用了吗?好用吗?
98MM AWD!!
STOCK的SAS性能已经不错了,避震涂上原配的阻尼油,减震效果一流!:em11:总的来说车的行车轨迹比以前更清晰了,车尾不会乱跳了!!:victory:[ 本帖最后由 小仲 于 2006-10-18 05:27 PM 编辑 ] 仲哥用的是ENZO壳吧? 原帖由 wakaka 于 2006-10-18 22:19 发表