
Schumacher CAT L1R 1/10 电动越野车

22-12-18 16:38| 发布者: rcfans| 查看: 4385| 评论: 8

英国Schumacher推出新款1/10 4WD竞赛级电动越野车CAT L1R,优化了悬挂几何设计,更轻的车重以及更坚固耐用的车架组件,并配备JConcepts车壳。Schumacher的L1系列电动越野车赢得ROS(欧洲电动越野车锦标赛)、BRCA英国全国赛以及ROAR全美地毯锦标赛等大赛,所以L1R凭借丰富的赛事经验与厂车手共同研发,战斗力更强。产品编号K201,2023年1月上市。

New - Front hub carriers with screw on steering plates, allows adjustability to suite all track conditions.
New – Layshaft and slipper plates with M4 layshaft Nut. Lightweight, twin pad slipper clutch with Ultra Fine adjustment spring. The new drive interface for the plates and gears allows more true/concentric running and improves the efficiency
New – Rear suspension geometry for more stability and improved rear traction. This new geometry keeps the car flatter in the turn while maintaining its grip through the corner.
New – Wider suspension mounts.
New - Rear hub carrier with larger outer hub bearings and multi positional camber settings. 10 camber link positions on one plate with shims to adjust the vertical height
New – Longer rear U/J steel driveshafts.
New – Rear camber strap.
New - Hard anodised -1.5mm width, 12mm wheel hex.
New – Suspension pivots inserts for more accuracy and durability. Steel top hat bushes for longer lasting pivots and a greater span for the bearing area of the effective hinge pin length.
New – JConcepts bodyshell design. Popular well known style which offers a great balance of steering and stability.
New – Shorter front U/J driveshafts. More forward drive and reactiveness.
New - Longer front diff outputs.
New – Stronger front upper transmission housings.
New – Updated front wishbones.
New – Steering ball cup and 5.5mm ballstuds.
New – Front inner 3.5mm hingepin with raised position. For more forward drive and agility.
New – Low CofG pinned and centre mounted motor mount. That allows full height shorty lipos to fit in the new forward mounting position. The Lipo position is 9mm further forwards than the previous model.
New - Hard anodised 2mm 7075-T6 alloy chassis. Pocketed for easy radio access with S2 removable trays. Sleak new shape to the rear of the light weight and flexible chassis which allows the car to transfer weight to the rear through corners without the chassis catching the track.
New - Moulded composite side pods. Allowing the flex to remain with these soft high quality moulding
New – Easy access LiPo mounting with further forward positioning.
New - 3 piece top decks.
New – Longer rear shock shaft.
New – Rear 1.8mm Anti-roll bar to match the new geometry, included.
New – Gear diff pulley housing with thicker planetary gear shim for better durability. Improve efficiency of the diff in the run.
New – Moulded shock pistons and bushes.
New - ‘S2’ shock brackets. To suite the new front and rear geometry's


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