

09-1-9 13:35| 发布者: jovi| 查看: 2570| 评论: 3

GRP官方宣布将在本月进行一项全球范围的减价计划,以应对环球经济不景。GRP旗下的轮胎,引擎及其他产品将以相当低的价格发售,而质量保持不变。 GRP还会缩短传统的分销链条,以增加利润空间,同时让终端用户获得更多实惠。另外,GRP将有大批新产品在2月份的纽伦堡展中推出。

- Optimization and development of our current production unit in Guidizzolo, with a consequent further increase of our quality product.
- Equalized retail prices all over the world.
- An average retail price reduction by over 40%.
- Purchasing of our products in all the hobby shops that will support our program.
- Purchasing of our products from the new official GRP’s e-commerce.
- Direct purchasing at race events whenever GRP’s staff is present.
- Direct Technical Assistance on behalf of GRP, for any eventual technical problem under guarantee, and for the standard engine maintenance.
- Direct Technical Assistance at race events whenever GRP’s staff is present.
- Direct Technical Assistance on-line on behalf of GRP.

 New .21 carburetor which improves fuel consumption and eases its carburetion.
- New Tuned Engines, with various improvements in terms of material and treatments.
- All Tuned Engines will be available on the market also fully run in and checked, ready to run.
- New stiff and light wheels for 1:10 Touring tire line .
- New big and light wheels for 1:8 Buggy tire line.
- New shaped black inserts for 1:8 Buggy tire line.
- New X compound (like PL’s M3), for 1:8 Buggy tire line.
- New Cubic design for 1:8 Buggy.
- New narrow Jolly design for 1:8 Buggy.


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  • 视频 Traxxas TRX-4 征服加州荒野
  • 发表评论


    引用 bunny 09-1-14 08:42
    引用 bunny 09-1-14 08:41
    引用 yiliang__chen 09-1-9 22:34
    一句话 买了就知道 lan 包你第二个月 买地二颗


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