Team Orion官方正式公布了CRF 21美国版引擎。这款引擎经过长队车手Ryan Cavalieri, Jorn Neumann and Philipp Guschl的通力合作研发,取得了不少进步。很多部件都比以前轻。另外现有的CRF引擎显得太强劲了,所以他们研发了新版本,在保持惊人的扭力的同时,动力更柔和,以达到厂车手的要求。同时,这样也能提高燃油经济性。

New parts included in the US Spec edition engine: - New crankcase with modified machining process: better tolerances for more power in hot conditions. - New black anodized back plate for smoother throttle response. - Lightened head for better handling of the car, same good cooling efficiency. - New generation crankshaft with closer timing and smaller inside hole to increase throttle response. - New carburator for smoother use. - New venturi set of 8, 7 and 6.5 mm with CRF design for better torque and mileage. - Main needle support: stronger material and marked for easier tuning. - Throttle unibal: marked for easier tuning. - New bottom needle for smoohter response and better mileage.
