
Tamiya TRF502X 4wd 直轴越野车

10-9-23 14:58| 发布者: admin| 查看: 3852| 评论: 0

tamiyatrf502x-1由世界冠军团队Tamiya Racing Factory team(TRF)开发的新款越野车TRF502X快将面世!这是一辆使用直轴传动的四驱电动越野车,使用全碳维车架,铝制马达座被安装在最佳位置,大尺寸的头尾珠差确保了可应付强大无刷系统的动力以及耐用度,车架非常适合高速的技巧型赛道使用,相信最快在11月美国上市,详细资料和照片在本文内。http://www.redrc.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/TamiyaTRF502X-5.jpg 完美的布局 Chassis layout features an excellent balanced design, allowing LiPo saddle packs to be installed and battery position can be adjusted to enable more setting possibilities. The use of the assembly type propeller shaft and joint also improves ease of maintenance. http://www.redrc.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/TamiyaTRF502X-4.jpg http://www.redrc.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/TamiyaTRF502X-2.jpg 中置马达设计,带限滑、铝制马达座 The center unit is equipped with a slipper clutch and the aluminium motor mount that will provide excellent support for a high-power brushless motor. The front/rear separated upper deck and main chassis offer excellent durability and chassis roll balance. http://www.redrc.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/TamiyaTRF502X-3.jpg 大尺寸珠差,高性能避震器 The large front ball diff. features 12 inch-sized balls which offer long-lasting smooth and stable operation. High performance aeration dampers are installed onto durable front and rear carbon damper stays that provide excellent support for big jumps. http://www.redrc.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/TamiyaTRF502X-1.jpg Source: Tamiya [tamiyausa.com] & Redrc.net


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