
O.S. Speed 19XZ-B越野车引擎

11-3-10 22:35| 发布者: admin| 查看: 5138| 评论: 3

O.S. Speed 推出1/8越野车(buggy)引擎,名为19XZ-B.,这是一颗3.1cc 引擎,但是马力输出不比3.5,而且马力的输出更流畅,油耗更低,看来环保主题也进入了RC世界哦。

Japanese giant OS have released the 19XZ-B engine under their racing OS Speed brand. A sort of 'baby' version of their popular .21 (3.49cc) engine the .19 (3.1cc) according to OS delivers a similar sort of power band that OS are known for; silky smooth. But one aspect that is greatly enhanced is fuel mileage. The racing engine market is a never ending battle of compromises of power and mileage, in this case it seems OS have offered up an engine that sacrifices a bit of power for big gains in fuel mileage, will it run a whole 45min final on one tank? Probably not but OS must feel confident enough that there is a gap in the market for such an engine...

Source: O.S. Speed [osspeed.com] ,Redrc & neobuggy


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  • 发表评论


    引用 richmond 11-3-11 14:23
    Allenyan: 有没可能在RC上也出现带T的引擎啊?
    引用 Allenyan 11-3-11 08:27
    引用 rave1010hk 11-3-11 00:59


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