
HPI Savage 1979 Ford F-150车壳

11-3-31 22:40| 发布者: admin| 查看: 6473| 评论: 4

HPI给他们的当家大脚车Savage推出复古车壳,Ford(福特)F-150车壳,这款产品复刻了1979年Ford F-150货车的外形制作而成。由于HPI获得了Ford公司的授权,可完全复刻实车的外观、细节和喷涂,所以这款HPI车壳像真度极高,适合所有Savage使用,包括XL版本的Savage。

Go retro with this 1979 Ford F-150 body for your Savage! This classic ’79 Ford pick-up fits the Savage line of trucks perfectly. And, it can be used on any standard Savage-size truck or Maxx-size truck. Savage XL owners, a long version of this body is available for your trucks. Look for the F-150 Supercab version, part #105132.

This body is made from crystal clear polycarbonate material for those that prefer to add a personal touch with their own paint and graphics scheme. The convenient pre-cut vinyl decal sheet includes: photorealistic headlights, grill, tail lights, official logos, window frames, door handles and more… all die-cut to make applying the decals quick and easy. Overspray film and pre-cut vinyl window masks are included with each body. A decal instruction sheet is included for decal placement, and the body has dimple marks for body post drill locations.

- Photorealistic die-cut premium vinyl decals include window frames, headlight, grill, tail lights and more, plus official logos!

- Overspray film and pre-cut vinyl window masks make painting fast and simple

- A decal instruction sheet is included for decal placement

- The body has dimple marks for Savage body post drill locations

- Molded from 0.040″ clear polycarbonate plastic for durability and long life

- Clear body (finished example shown)

- This is an officially licensed replica

Source : HPI & Rceasy.com

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    引用 xxhhggssw 11-4-2 08:55
    如果是大陆厂家搞出这 ...
    引用 悠久之翼 11-4-1 09:52
    引用 金钟罩55 11-4-1 09:01
    引用 x蜗牛增压x 11-3-31 22:56
    好复古的感觉!~~o(>_<)o ~~


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