以下是引用铭记于心在2004-9-7 1:26:31的发言:
[quote]以下是引用肥仔峰在2004-9-6 20:34:06的发言:
现在才看到“When you love something Let it go free. If it doesn't comeback to you Than it doesn't belong to you. If it comeback lease love it forever!!”这好像是老赵的至理名言来的喔!具体安排怎么样啊!和大家欢完我可能就不在广州啦!那晚一定要hi暴它!
以下是引用肥仔峰在2004-9-6 20:34:06的发言:
现在才看到“When you love something Let it go free. If it doesn't comeback to you Than it doesn't belong to you. If it comeback lease love it forever!!”这好像是老赵的至理名言来的喔!具体安排怎么样啊!和大家欢完我可能就不在广州啦!那晚一定要hi暴它!