发表于 12-7-24 15:18:23 |显示全部楼层
#355104 XRAY XB9 Active Differential™
Complete Active Differential™ set for XB9. The unique XRAY Active Differential™ is a high-performance, adjustable front gear differential for XB9 buggies… vastly improving the buggy’s speed and handling characteristics. The special design of the internal components using different angled segments allows the diff gears to engage on-power to increase the forward traction and stability of the buggy, making it faster and easier to drive.
While the XRAY Active Differential™ is a performance option for serious racers who want to gain an edge on superior speed and handling, it is also of great benefit to drivers of all levels that want a more predictable and easy-to-drive car in all racing conditions.

    Complete Active Differential™ set for XB9 High-performance, adjustable front gear differential Improves speed and handling characteristics Special design of internal components Angled internal segments Diff gears engage on-power to increase forward traction and stability Makes buggy faster and easier to drive
  • Benefit to drivers of all levels that want a more predictable and easy-to-drive car in all racing conditions

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