andylee 发表于 11-12-19 11:57:50

本帖最后由 andylee 于 11-12-19 12:03 编辑

rwang 发表于 11-12-19 11:11 static/image/common/back.gif
美国UF1周末比赛照片。 日本KITAZAWA(F1RCGP 负责人和2011TITC F1冠军)夺冠。 KITAZAWA 将带领日本F1RCGP ...
Hideo Kitazawa (北澤秀郎), 1/12 pan car 和 F1的达人,也是 Yeah Racing Transformula F1 的设计师。Team RW Lotus 1/7 的神秘车手难道是他?如果是他的话,我们真的只是陪跑,不过可以看到他的风采的话。。。值得

谈到F1RCGP在上海的比赛,由于他们都是限定跑直接驱动(Direct Drive)的车,所以各直驱车的车手要用心研究你们的车的设定啦!

andylee 发表于 11-12-19 13:43:15

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啊Ben,啊汤,我只是猜猜而已,无论谁是RW Lotus的神秘车手,我们一定要全力应战。

andylee 发表于 11-12-19 20:23:30

本帖最后由 andylee 于 11-12-19 20:29 编辑

F104X1的调较贴士,由Tamiaya美国车手David Jun提供,大部份内容都适合F104和其他直驱F1。

有车友问过我中油压或者是查查板上的油压到底该厚还是薄一点,而我的答案总是模棱两可,David Jun的答案也差不多,结论还是按状况自己试吧!

The rear damper system is also new on the F104X1. The dual disk damper plates are replaced with a shaft type roll damper. This damper controls lateral movement and allows the shock to focus on horizontal movement. This system is much easier to tune because the dampening is independent of one another resulting in less compromise and more potential traction. The roll damper is adjusted via grease or silicone (thicker increases dampening and softer decreases dampening). Determining the amount of dampening will vary on conditions but generally, softer will increase rear grip/reduce steering response and harder will reduce grip/increase steering response. However in some cases, higher traction conditions can alter this effect.

andylee 发表于 11-12-19 20:57:17

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benli46 发表于 11-12-19 21:41:08

andylee 发表于 11-12-19 20:57 static/image/common/back.gif
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andylee 发表于 11-12-19 21:41:49

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你试试花两个月的时间,每个F1可调的地方都调一下,你的结论很可和David Jun是差不多的。要试吗?

andylee 发表于 11-12-19 21:52:34

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Luck is when preparation meets opportunity

Google翻译 “运气是准备开会的机会时”

benli46 发表于 11-12-19 22:17:35

本帖最后由 benli46 于 11-12-19 22:19 编辑

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google经典翻译: sign everywhere

rwang 发表于 11-12-19 22:45:47

本帖最后由 rwang 于 11-12-19 22:49 编辑

很明显Team TAb Power 三位不和,有矛盾。。。看来TAb 车队内部真的很乱! 1/7肯定不会有什么好成绩或突破。:lol

benli46 发表于 11-12-20 10:17:23

本帖最后由 benli46 于 11-12-20 10:18 编辑


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