kakui282621173 发表于 08-1-23 11:39:57

:em01: :em04: :em04: :em04:

雷達 发表于 08-1-23 16:08:22

哈哈...笑死我...:em06: 到底是赛车还是田径?:em16:

david_wu 发表于 08-1-24 01:48:05



david_wu 发表于 08-1-24 01:48:12



RC斑鸠 发表于 08-1-24 04:12:54

不错 不错值得学习一下!!!!!!!!!

阎昊旻 发表于 08-1-24 11:42:31


雷達 发表于 08-1-24 14:56:17

下次有什么翻译的请PM我!我也要试试....:em11: :em11:

tonylion 发表于 08-1-25 08:49:50

If you are a novice driver and not sufficiently accustomed to R/C car driving, you may feel as if the car steered oppositely to the transmitter movement when the car runs towards you. To solve this problem, try to imagine you were driving in the R/C car. As you repeat the basic exercise, you will get used to this way of thinking and control the model smoothly. 9 ?"


[ 本帖最后由 tonylion 于 2008-1-25 08:55 AM 编辑 ]

ykyzyk 发表于 08-1-25 10:02:42

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

雷達 发表于 08-1-25 18:56:36

原帖由 tonylion 于 2008-1-25 08:49 AM 发表 http://bbs.rcfans.com/images/common/back.gif
If you are a novice driver and not sufficiently accustomed to R/C car driving, you may feel as if the car steered oppositely to the transmitter movement when the car runs towards you. To solve this pr ...
的确会这么觉得.....:em16: :em16: :em16: :em16:
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