
Facebook 开设 Area 404 大型硬件实验室

16-8-6 01:36| 发布者: rcfans| 查看: 6930| 评论: 1

Oculus Rift、无人机、开源联网设备... 对现在的 Facebook 来说,硬件产品所扮演的角色已然完全不同以往。也正是出于这样的原因,他们才会选择在门洛帕克(Menlo Park)总部新建一间占地 2.2 万平方英尺(约 2000 平方米)硬件实验室。未来它将负责 Facebook 硬件的「建模、原型测试和失效分析」,其名字也很有趣,Area 404 一看就能让人想到「找不到网页」的梗。

和许多其它实验室不同,Area 404 并不会以专门的产品来划分部门。Facebook 的做法是只设立电机工程和原型机制作这两大团队,目的是增进各方交流,以求在过程中碰撞出更多的火花。值得一提的是,在原型车间里设有车床、铣床、喷射器、切割机等一般在工厂里才能看到的重型设备。另外还有专门的 CT 扫描仪和电子显微镜,用途是寻找肉眼难见的细微疵漏。

考虑到 Facebook 内部有那么多可用的资源、空间来开发硬件,在不寻求外部帮助的前提下,自造实验室几乎是板上钉钉的事情。而如今这已成为了现实,接下来大家耐心等待看看他们能不能拿出好的产品吧。

CEO Mark Zuckerberg 对实验室的设立兴奋不已:Over the next 10 years, we're building everything from Oculus headsets to solar-powered planes. We've always had labs for each team, but our new lab will be a hub where engineers can work together to make even faster progress towards connecting the world.The new lab is the size of half a football field and is filled with everything from a 5-axis water jet that can cut through steel and granite to a 9-axis mill-turn lathe. It's even got an electron microscope and a CT scanner that will let engineers examine components for failure analysis. All this gear was so heavy that we had to remove the floor of the building and drill down to the bedrock to put in new foundation.I'm looking forward to seeing everything we create. There is so much to do and we have some exciting times ahead!


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    引用 caike007 16-8-7 08:47


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