京商(Kyosho)推出Sand Master入门级仿真电动越野车。使用京商2.4GHz KT-200遥控设备、22T马达、大容量避震器和齿轮差速等组件。这辆遥控车出厂前已经安装完成,传动系统使用了京商Ultima车系相同的2WD传动模式。悬挂部分使用了双叉臂式悬架(Double Wishbone suspension system),配合高抓地力越野轮胎,可适应各种路面行走要求。车壳有三种不同涂装颜色供玩家选择。下月上市。

 Features: - 22T Motor - Double Wishbone suspension system - BigBore shocks - High quality bathtub chassis design - Battery compartment with easy access (trough bottom) - Heavy Duty diff gear design - Covered electric compartment protecting ESC & Rx unit from dust and debris - Bead lock wheels - High Grip Off-Road tires - Scale looking pipe frame design roll cage - Easy to use part system with many preassembled spare parts
