Spektrum 推出轻量化 DX4R Pro 四通道遥控器,包含两通道SR2000接收机(支持四通道SR410接收)。50组模型数据记忆,4组可混合编程模式、大型带背光的显示器、可通过SD卡进行升级固件。DX4R使用DSMR技术,拥有超高速的反应表现;4颗AA电池提供电力,重量和手感极佳。 点击这里->进入地平线模型产品专区参与互动
- Ultra responsive with DSMR 5.5ms frame rate
- Adjustable trigger shape and tension
- Large Backlit LCD Screen
- 50-Model memory with ModelMatch™ technology
- 4 User-defined, programmable mixes with naming
- Pre-set mixes, including dual throttle, dual brake, MOA, 4WS, and dual
- Switch-activated mix rates
- On-the-fly mix rate control
- Traction Control and ABS
- RaceWare™ software updates via SD Card Reader
- Integrated antenna
- Inactivity alarm