Low Profile Radio Plate (dual lay-down servos) The M1B Turbo wouldn't be a Team Magic car without the revolutionary dual lay-down servo design.? In 2003 the G4 was the first car in its class to feature both the steering and throttle servos positioned between the chassis and radio plate.?This new design created an incredibly low center of gravity. That's one of the reason why the G4 performs so well, so it no surprise that this fantastic design was added to the M1B Turbo. In addition to the extremely low center of gravity design, a quick release set-up is also an important feature.? The carbon radio plate is held securely by five aluminum posts. Just remove three R clips and you have instant unobstructed access to the entire carbon radio plate.?Of course, it's necessary to remove some pivot cups and the battery wire first. The aluminum posts are machined to perfectly fit specially designed nylon location tubes, plus there are two extra dowels used to finely position the servo mount. Three orange colour silicone pads are installed to prevent any unwanted vibrations reaching the electronics. |
M1B的价格不算贵了吧~配件也很好找啊~ 而且现在还送turbo包~那些零件就都足够你备用了。 我顺便也回忆了一下,从买来车到现在,半年的时间,我跑挂了一台发动机,磨秃了一套胎,坏了一个邮箱,两个尾翼,一个避震保护器,一个前差盒,基本就这么多了~,现在有了turbo,就更强了! 结构新难道还不好么?大量使用R硝不仅可以很快拆卸,而且还能吸收许多冲击力,我第一次看到M1B的时候就已经决定入手了,当时其他车都是次要候选~ 这台车的很多设计都有许多不同,而且非常细致,从拆开包装的时候就会感受到!换言之目前市面上越野车结构基本大同小异也是个问题啊~ 贴两张我的车,LZ可以感受一下~ [ 本帖最后由 alienwang 于 2007-10-22 01:38 AM 编辑 ] |
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