2025年1月12日,在东莞大朗TFS平路车场,由极速模型主办了我们自2007年创店以来的第一场赛事:极速杯LC PTG-2四小时耐力赛。 On Jan 12th 2025, we held the XRC LC PTG-2 Four-Hour Endurance Race. It’s the very first race of Xtreme RaCing Hobbies since our establishment from 2007. 视频 这次赛事我们采用公发LC Racing PTG-2车架,公发好盈Handout 17.5T动力套装,以及公发Killerbody SUBARU车壳和TP轮胎的形式。而其他设备则需要自备。 This time we used handout LC Racing PTG-2 chassis, HOBBYWING handout 17.5T power system, Killerbody SUBARU bodyshell and Team Powers tyre set. 本次赛事以车队形式报名,由于操控台位置有限,起初我们预计15组,每3人一组的形式。但是朋友圈刚发布小时不到2小时已经报了18组,因此最后定为16组,3~4人一组即可。最终到场58位赛员! Due to limited space on driver stand, we planned to have 15 team at maximum. But so many friends wanted to take part in this race so the final list we had 16 teams and 58 drivers participated (3 to 4 drivers per team). 由于本次赛事是极速模型首次举办赛事,我们为每位参赛的赛员都准备了一个小小的纪念牌:极速模型首次赛事纪念。 As this is the very first race of XRC, we made a small Crystal Memorial Plaque for every driver. 除了传统的冠亚季军,我们还设置了4个特别奖:最佳车手奖/最年轻车手奖/最快上墙奖/东莞快男奖 Besides tranditional 1/2/3 Places, we set four special awards: The Best Driver Award, The Youngest Driver Award, The First Crash Award, and The Fastest Guy of DG Award for FUN. 赛事由位于东莞市大朗镇的恒创模型科技在TFS平路场承办。 Our race is held on TFS Onroad track by Hengchuang RC in Dongguan. 由于LC PTG-2是拉力车架,为了增加比赛的趣味性,我们在平路场设置了3处简易跳台,高度约7cm,同时考验了车架的耐用性。 As PTG-2 is a rally chassis, we made several jump boards on the track to make the race more fun and challenging. 本次赛事中,车上舵机使用最多的依然是Power HD,B7,1206,S15之类的型号都有车手选用并在连续4小时中未见舵机故障的情况出现。而遥控器方面场上共有11位车手选用了NB4系列,使用率超过2/3。 During the race, most teams chose Power HD servos such as B7, 1260, S15, none of the servos failed during the four hours tense race. And over 2/3 teams used FLYSKY Noble series radio! 整个赛事过程非常紧张刺激同时非常具有挑战性,因为非常厉害的车友以及普通娱乐玩家都会一起通常竞技。最紧张的莫过于前2台车,整整4个小时618圈的比赛中,两车最终的差距仅为2秒!最接近的时候是2车贴着过弯。 The entire racing event was extremely tense, exciting, and challenging, as it brought together highly skilled drivers and casual entertainment drivers to compete together. The most nail-biting moment was undoubtedly the battle between the top two cars; during the four hours racing, the gap between them was just two seconds in 618 laps! At their closest, the two cars were just side by side at the corners. 由于赛会有严格的规则限制,最终头车和三车在赛后的验车中未能通过。头车是由于未熟悉规则拆除了二楼板上的两颗螺丝而被DQ(取消比赛成绩),三车则是由于队友之间重装车架的过程中沟通不顺畅造成马达齿盖螺丝未安装,造成赛后马达齿盖不在车架上而被DQ。 Due to strict rules, the leading car and the third-place car failed the post-race inspection. The leading car was disqualified for removing two screws of the upper deck, as the mechanic was unfamiliar with the rules. The third-place car was disqualified because of a communication breakdown among teammates during the process of reassembling the chassis, resulting in the motor gear cover screws not being installed, and consequently, the motor gear cover was not on the chassis after the race. 最终由智驭行取得冠军,老符工作室取得亚军,天体全球总部代表队取得季军。 And here are the top 3 teams. Here are the 4 special awards winners. 最佳车手奖:中山ZRC队的捞面 (由主办方选出)The Best Driver Award 最年轻车手奖:TFS火箭队的恒恒 (参与比赛的最年轻赛员) The Youngest Driver Award 东莞快男奖:快马队的小马 (正赛中造出全场最快单圈成绩) The Fastest Guy of DG Award, for making the fastest lap during final. 最快上墙奖:KRC队的Simon (比赛中造成第一台需要离场修车的车手) The First Crash Award 作为极速模型首场比赛,我们设置了轻度的抽奖。 As it’s the first race of Xtreme RaCing Hobbies, we had lucky draw after race. 最后感谢我们的赞助商们: And special thanks to our sponsors! 好盈科技 HOBBYWING Power HD LC Racing 富斯科技 FLYSKY RCFans |
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