60美元以下的一款好用不贵的放电器,放电电流0.1-3A连续可调,步进0.1A;CutOff Voltage从0.0-0.9V连续可调,步进0.1V;LED循环显示没个电池状态——见过的这个价位性价比最好的Sub C放电器: FEATURES: Conditions and equalizes each sub-C cell individually Adjustable discharge current from 0.1 - 3A Adjustable automatic cutoff point from 0.0 - 0.9V per cell Six spring loaded contact points for easy battery installation Aluminum case with heat sink Blue LED for each cell status INCLUDES: Integy Indi Digital-03 Cell Balancer and Conditioner with 12V power lead and banana jacks REQUIRES: 12V DC power supply SPECS: Length: 8.03" (204mm) Width: 2.9" (75mm) Height: 2.7" (69mm) Voltage Cutoff: 0.0 - 0.9V Discharge Rate: 0.1 - 3A |
无意中搜到了几个老外的参考电路,基本上都是Ni电的,我想Li电要特别注意平衡放、后期CV放和截止电压……具体电路我也不懂行了,估计下面的电路要大变才能适合Li电,不知道是不是有用,anyway,兄台权且当参考吧: http://www.freeinfosociety.com/electronics/schemview.php?id=1657 http://www.ef-uk.net/data/discharger.htm 最后这个比较搞: http://robot-club.com/teamtoad/bat-discharger.html [ 本帖最后由 DYGM 于 2008-8-19 10:58 AM 编辑 ] |
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