我也对Xmods 的差速器很感兴趣,好像原车带的后驱的是齿差,AWD 套件用的是珠差。差速直接做在圆锥齿轮里了,精密谈不上,但体积确实够小。 转两张图给你。 另外,关于Xmods 的遥控到底是不是真正的比例遥控,以前争论过,好像也没有个定论,这里又看到明确的说明,是仿比例遥控的,不知道怎么回事。我检查认为,Xmods 是仿比例的,呵呵,所谓数字式比例,绝对是分段的。 The proportional system of the XMODS is not to truly proportional like that of Mini-Z. The steering has 16 steps for each direction, and the throttle has only 8 steps. Steps for throttle is poor and biased in favor of the top end, so no delicate control is expected especially at the slower speed. It's a compensation of the price. |
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