本帖最后由 ilg123 于 11-8-2 18:58 编辑 恩。车壳确实也轻。可惜 不如以前350Z 2005的25g那么轻。。最终只减到了30.4g 其实也不算太清。一般情况下白壳喷好漆也就是35g左右。 但是对比LM 的车壳确实轻多了。LM 最轻的787 白壳喷好都超过40g。。。。 LM 是不可以用RM MM 的齿比的。因为轮胎直径有很大差别。齿比是在轮胎周长接近的或者相同的时候才可以借鉴的。。 PN 的电池扣我比赛的时候被慢车撞了好多次没掉。。看来人品还行。。。。 呵呵不过确实。扣一个扣的PN 电池扣确实有隐患。下次比赛还是用塑料的。。。避免悲剧。 |
谢谢!我也找到了英文版的,发出来给需要的朋友参考一下: This gives the T-plate maximum freedom to twist for consistent roll control and better traction. Thru-shaft design maximize length of cylinder for smooth operation. Extra cylinder surface area increase effectiveness of damping oil or grease when used. Thru-shaft arrangement also results in constant amount of overlap between shaft and cylinder for consistent damping thru out travel. Adjustable coil over shock spring Adjustable negative spring. Addition of negative spring controls the shock during bottoming. It dampens rebound for better axel control, and minimize momentary traction loss when going over large bumps. Negative spring interchangeable with MR02 front springs. Therefore wide range of springs can be used for tuning. |
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