诺亚 超级元老 发消息
发表于 05-12-8 20:05:00 |显示全部楼层 来自: 中国四川成都

E: 2005 Japan Offroad Winter Championship Report
C: 2005 日本电动越野冬季锦标赛报道

[B]E: [/B]Incorporating new classes such as the 1/18th Mini Buggy class, the event turned out to be quite big, with a large turnout of 227 entries.
[B]C: [/B]本次锦标赛融合了新的组别,比如1/18 Mini Buggy组,使得此次比赛的规模非常大,参赛人数达到227人次之多。
[B]E: [/B]The MR-4BX(tentative name) will be released early next year. It is sure to be worth the wait.
[B]C: [/B]MR-4BX(实验型号)将在明年初发布,它将是非常值得期待的一款4WD Buggy。
[B]E: [/B]The quadruple jump after the banking was tough for even the Monster Trucks.
[B]C: [/B]紧接着回头弯角之后的4连坡,即便是对于Monster Trucks(皮卡车)都是艰苦异常的考验。
[B]E: [/B]The ''''High Jump Class'''', a Yatabe specialty, featured 6 participants brave enough to subject their cars to the massive jump. Kenji Tsuruta and his RC-10B4 set the event record with a massive 14m 20cm (46'') jump!
[B]C: [/B]Yatabe车场特别的组别-跳高组(High Jump Class),有6位勇敢的参与者将他们的爱车毫不吝惜地冲过那个异常“厚重”的坡。最终Kenji Tsuruta和他的RC10B4创造了一个非常恐怖的赛事记录:14米20厘米(合46英尺)!
[B]E: [/B]The connected-M washboard section featured 4 small diagonal jumps. Some took it as a double-double, others approached it as a triple-single.
[B]C: [/B]有一段M型的撮衣板路段包含4个小的对角线坡,一些人将它处理成2个Double坡(Double-Double),而另一些人通过长距离的加速则将其处理成一个Triple坡和一个Single坡(Triple-Single)。
[B]E: [/B]Picture of the track taken from the banked section. The track featured a technical yet high speed layout.
[B]C: [/B]这张照片是在“回转路段”附近拍摄的,可以看到,这个赛道是一个技术型的高速赛道。
[B]E: [/B]Masami Hirosaka''s 4wd buggy. The lone car to do 16 laps with consistent 18 sec laps.
[B]C: [/B]广板正美(Masami)的4WD Buggy。在第二轮预赛中他一支独秀跑了16圈,而且每圈都稳定在18秒之内。
[B]E: [/B]Shinya Kimura''s 4wd buggy. Kimura qualified 2nd, and battled with Hirosaka in the finals.
[B]C: [/B]Shinya Kimura(中文名不知)的4WD Buggy,他预赛第二,在决赛中并未对Masami构成威胁。

[B]E: [/B]It''s winter, and Offroad fans once again gathered at the winter festival known as the Winter Championships held at Yatabe Arena. Traction was fairly good, as most of the surface gaps were removed when the layout was changed. While the layout featured several flat sections, other parts of the track were quite technical, with sections such as a connected-M washboard, and a high-banked corner followed by a quad jump. Overall, the layout required both speed and technique. Controlled tyres were used for both 2WD and 4WD buggy classes to help maintain lower running costs, as well as providing equal conditions, in hopes that everyone would find the racing more enjoyable. Classes such as Stock Buggy, Vintage Class, High-Jump and 1/18th Mini Buggy, were also offered to entice entry-level participation. The event turned out to be quite popular, with a large turnout of 227 entries.
[B]C: [/B]严冬之中,越野fans再一次聚集到在Yatabe车场举行的有“冬の节日”之称的冬季锦标赛。Yatabe越野车场的抓地力相当好,在车场更改赛道布局的时候已经将地面绝大部分的裂口间隙处理掉了。新的赛道布局包含了少部分平直路段,剩下的路段则是技术型的,例如M型的撮衣板路段、紧接着高斜面的回头弯的4连坡。总的来说,这个赛道技术和速度都需要。赛会要求使用规定的轮胎型号和数量,降低竞赛成本,也创造均等的条件,旨在希望所有人都能体会到比赛是令人愉快的。一些级别的赛事也是为了吸引更多入门级的玩家参与而设立,如Stock Buggy、Vintage(古典车)级别、跳高(High-Jump)级别、1/18 mini Buggy。这个赛事最终变得非常的受欢迎,所以参赛人数达到227人次之多。

[B]E: [/B]Hirosaka and Kimura of Team Yokomo bought in their MR-4BX(tentative name) 4WD prototypes to race test the cars against a fairly tough field of compeititors. Although small revisions have already been made from the testing data already accumulated, we will be working hard to improve upon it''s race worthiness, and to meet the expectations of everyone patiently awaiting it''s release.
[B]C: [/B]Yokomo队的广板正美和Kimura带来了MR-4BX测试版赛车,意图在非常艰苦的比赛中对赛车进行更多的测试。虽然从测试数据不断积累开始,MR-4BX就已经有了很多小的修订改动,但是我们(Yokomo)仍将不断努力改进以使其更能适应比赛的要求以及不辜负所有期待它发布的fans的期望。

[B]E: [/B]Featuring many of the best Offroad drivers in Japan, the atmosphere in the 4WD class was liken to a Japanese Nationals. As expected, Hirosaka showed class-dominating speed with the new 4WD buggy. The 4WD drivetrain in the new car features equal length front and rear belts for greatly improved controllability, and the refined supension geometry generates high traction even with the use of control tyres. Hirosaka''s speed was especially impressive in the 2nd round of qualifying, by being the only one to lap in the 18 sec range, and finishing with 16 laps to earn the TQ spot. Kimura qualified 2nd, also with a good time, for an all Yokomo front row for the final.
[B]C: [/B]包含许多全日本最出色的越野选手的4WD组比赛的紧张气氛和日本全国赛差不多。正如大家所期待的,广板用他的4WD新车展示了无与伦比的速度。这台4WD新车的传动系统包含了等长的前后皮带以提升控制力,即便是使用赛会Control Tyres也能提供更高抓地力的精准的几何悬挂系统。广板在第二轮排位赛中的速度给人留下的印象特别深刻,不仅赢得了TQ,而且是唯一做到单圈18秒,总圈数16圈的选手。Kimura预赛第二。

[B]E: [/B]The final starts in dramatic style, as Hirosaka makes a mistake on the second lap going through the washboard section, allowing Kimura into the lead. Hirosaka catches up to Kimura, and a crowd-pleasing battle develops between the two. Leaving the field far behind, the pair head into the last minute, where Hirosaka makes a pass on Kimura heading onto the straight. Kimura soon makes a mistake, but recovers quickly to end the final in a Yokomo 1-2 finish.
[B]C: [/B]决赛是戏剧性的,广板在第二圈通过撮衣板路段时范了一个错误,Kimura乘机获得头位。随后,广板跟上了Kimura,2人将第二集团远远地拉下,广板的复仇追逐一直持续到最后一分钟,广板在直道上将Kimura超越。不久,Kimura失误,但是并未影响大局,决赛冠亚军均被Yokomo获得。

[B]E: [/B]The 2WD final was won by Kimura and his Associated RC10B4, defeating pole-sitter Adachi in the final.
[B]C: [/B]2WD组决赛最终是Kimura和他的RC10B4夺取冠军,击败的预赛第一的Adachi。

Source: RCeasy

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-12-8 21:10:13编辑过]

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发表于 05-12-8 21:38:00 |显示全部楼层 来自: 中国四川成都

[此贴子已经被诺亚于2005-12-9 0:04:14编辑过]

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发表于 05-12-8 21:54:00 |显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海
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