fwzflqwer 超级元老 发消息
发表于 13-3-7 22:18:38 |显示全部楼层 来自: 澳大利亚
本帖最后由 fwzflqwer 于 13-3-8 00:46 编辑

今日(3/8) 收到消息称一款全新的四轮驱动大比例汽油车可能很快就要发布。 目前为止还没有确认具体日期和生产厂商。为了更好的观感其中部分图片被拉伸,值得注意的这些图片均是在某个网站的图库中发现的。

据传这款模型车的生产厂商是RCMK------韩国两冲引擎生产商。 不过就此厂商最近的动作来看此消息并不可靠。 据笔者看此款车只是使用了RCMK的引擎,并无其他。 从图片不难看出这款车的平台和Losi 5IVE-T颇有相似而且这款车也是由一家比RCMK更加众所周知的厂商生产。 从泄露图片看很有可能是类似ECX (Electrixrc), Traxxas, MCD, Associated, Axial, Redcat等等这类大厂商。 值得注意的是原文中使用了"KIT" 一词,所以这款车很可能需要玩家亲自动手组装。 现在起我们会密切关注此款新车的动向,确保各位玩家能及时获取最新消息直到这款车正式发布为止。 不要着急把钱压在RCMK上哦~


Great news today! A new 4WD 1/5 Large Scale Radio Control beast is coming our way. But when and by who is the big question today. We have lots of images we will post below and we have enlarged them for better viewing that what was found on a random online image gallery.
Some are suggesting this is a car produced by RCMK, the engine builder from Korea. But that just seems too far off from what that company is currently doing. I think the company is just using that engine in this new platform. It sure has some similarities to a Losi 5IVE-T that is for sure. Our sources are suggesting this is a kit being made by a company you all would know a big more than RCMK.
Our teaser image about shows logos around this new large scale by, ECX (Electrixrc), Traxxas, MCD, Associated, Axial, Redcat and more. But who is building this new 4WD? For now we will try our best to keep you all informed as the new becomes available and public. But do not put your money on RCMK.
For now…enjoy the enlarged images below.


lm788789  从图上看:空滤设计的蛋疼 是一大败笔,比LOSI 5T的空滤还操蛋。  发表于 13-4-22 17:18
xiao_dang 元老 Fans 发消息
发表于 13-3-7 22:21:13 |显示全部楼层 来自: 中国浙江金华
真 牛逼    赶快上市   


xiao_dang  貌似在某展上见过此车  发表于 13-3-7 22:27
大连rainbow 论坛元老 发消息
发表于 13-3-7 22:27:19 来自手机 |显示全部楼层 来自: 中国辽宁
fzdgz123 金牌 Fans 发消息
发表于 13-3-7 22:37:12 |显示全部楼层 来自: 中国广东珠海
大连rainbow 发表于 13-3-7 22:27



jiajiatn  这个价格肯定在8000以上去了。。不过的看是哪个厂生产的。反正不会便宜。  发表于 13-3-17 23:50
二狗 长老 Fans 发消息
发表于 13-3-7 22:49:51 |显示全部楼层 来自: 中国广东惠州
  我擦   绝对帅阿!  :em11:
xiaowei0825 论坛元老 发消息
发表于 13-3-7 22:50:09 |显示全部楼层 来自: 中国广西百色
Devil游戏 论坛元老 发消息
发表于 13-3-7 22:58:56 |显示全部楼层 来自: 中国天津
fgl 终极 Fans 发消息
发表于 13-3-7 23:00:37 |显示全部楼层 来自: 中国浙江金华
jiangshi 论坛元老 发消息
发表于 13-3-7 23:02:35 |显示全部楼层 来自: 中国黑龙江绥化
zhanghanjin093 超级元老 发消息
发表于 13-3-7 23:09:37 |显示全部楼层 来自: 中国广东汕头
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