
[赛事报道] 2013 IFMAR 1/8th On Road World Championships!

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发表于 13-10-11 13:48:38 |显示全部楼层 来自: 中国香港
2013 IFMAR 1/8th On Road World Championships!

Running out of fuel in Q6, like the majority of drivers with only 3 cars making the full 10-minutes,
KM Racing’s Meen Vejrak is the fourth qualifier.  Part of the huge PRC team from Thailand,
the 200mm World Champion felt he could have been faster had the track presented the same conditions as Q2.  
Testing a set-up for his final in Q6, with the timing of the final heat the same as when the Semi will be run,
he said it wasn’t as stable as he was hoping for so they need to work on something else.  
Despite his running out of fuel, he said he has no concerns as it was due to his OS engine having been set rich.

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