I thank the road is vevy good,and i thank this road for new player has a little hard. but if you play in this road you can feel vevy exciting!and your skill will be vevy well The place in Men tougou is as big as this road,or a little small,I can not say it only in the photos the work do not begin because of the car,the driver says that do not be here because the work in the past I hope the road will puted away in tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Paul,if you fiee, we can come here to check the road 高中水平,请大家指正 |
原帖由 大贯贯 于 2006-8-3 02:42 AM 发表 这位青岛fans,你的拼写已经。。。。我只能精神上给你鼓励,好好学习 |
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