前避震架编号 LOSB2167 ,后避震架编号LOSB2171 11年出品的,现在可以买到,但是国外论坛评价,不值得花这个钱,不如买4mm碳纤维的要好很多,这个还是会变形的,特别是避震器支柱那里,他们说scte各个部件都是比较硬的,所以需要不是很硬的避震架来吸收飞坡打底的冲击,那么碳纤是最好 的选择。 还有说: , just this one. It will bend just as easy as the stock unit. Don't waste your money. Do not waset your mony. It is not durable at all, and the way it is machined with the recesses in it does not allow the original hardware and spacers/ standoffs to be used. Complete lack of any parts needed to make this work as it is not a direct replacement utilizing the same hardware, spacers, etc. Mounting it using the original hardware binds the caps against the tower, and if spaced out further, then the shocks are now angled. |
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