Now that you have your car tricked out with all the latest upgrades, all you need to do is learn to handle that beast.Here are some tips and tricks guaranteed to improve your driving skills.The key however is practice, so charge your batteries, grab your backup car and hit the track.
In order to improve your skill, you must practice running a course.Running around in a circle does not improve your driving, so get some cones, books, or small children and set up a course.
This is the simplest course using two pylons. It looks simple at first sight to drive a car along, but it will require some practice to achieve quick and sharp turns. Practice both ways, clockwise and counterclockwise, until you can make both rounds in the same period of time. A figure “8” exercise can also be done in the same track.
[ 本帖最后由 sanfen 于 2006-1-20 11:07 编辑 ] OVAL COURSE 2
Have two or three pairs of pylons forming gates and run your car through them as accurately as possible. You will find it much harder than the oval course No.1. For the first period of time, arrange the pylons with a wide space, narrow them gradually until the space is one meter. Practice in both rotations, clockwise and counterclockwise.
拿4~6个路障来组建一个门,让你的车从中间穿过。当然,越精确越好。你会发现这要比椭圆形赛道1要难得多,至少刚开始是的!将两个路障(门的两端的那两个)中间的空间进行一定的调整,渐渐的由宽到窄,直到中间只有一米。和椭圆形赛道1一样,用顺时针方向和逆时针方向两种方向来跑 ROAD COURSE
When finishing course No.1 and No.2, you have mastered the basic driving techniques. Now you should proceed to complex courses. Build a road course with the pylons, from basic figure “T” and “L” courses to more complicated circuits, assortments of figure “L” and hairpin curves, high-speed curve and slaloms.
等到你完成了1号和2号赛道(椭圆形和8字形)赛道。你就已经掌握了最最基础的驾驶技巧了!这时你就需要一个复杂一点的赛道。用你的路障来制造一个赛道吧!从基础的T型和L型到更加复杂的赛道把他们分类为L型弯和发夹弯,高速弯和回旋弯来跑。 CAR STEERS OPPOSITELY?
If you are a novice driver and not sufficiently accustomed to R/C car driving, you may feel as if the car steered oppositely to the transmitter movement when the car runs towards you. To solve this problem, try to imagine you were driving in the R/C car. As you repeat the basic exercise, you will get used to this way of thinking and control the model smoothly.
如果你是个新手而不太习惯遥控车的控制方法,你会觉得当车向你开来时,车子与你控制的方向相反。解决这个问题的方法就是,让你自己觉得你就在车中驾驶着这辆遥控车,再重复的练习那些基础练习,你就能很好的掌握这种驾驶方法了!(我竟然还是翻译了这段,翻的快哭了!这~这好像太基础了!) WHERE TO LOOK WHEN DRIVING
When you drive a car, it is important what you keep your eye on. Suppose the squares described are the field of vision. Put your point of sight on the forward part of the area of vision with the car placed at the back. If your point of sight is on the car itself, you cannot keep clear of obstacles ahead because it would be too late to notice them. Corners would also be difficult to see.
感谢CCTV,MTV还有RCFANs,我今天就翻译到这儿,翻译真是一个累啊! 这个杂志上我看见过,不过英文看不懂,翻译不错 绝对的好文!!我个人认为,尤其是赛道的组建和视点的问题对我很有意义!!我想,这些东西恐怕是连一些老的业余车手都有所空缺的吧:) 原帖由 sanfen 于 2006-1-18 16:48 发表
When you drive a car, it is important what you keep your eye on. Suppose the squares described are the field of vision. Put your point of sight on the forward part of th ...
如果你见累的不如用金山快译啦`这样就没这么辛苦了` 原帖由 362442340 于 2006-1-19 11:14 发表
翻出来可能只有外星人才能看得懂! GO ON。。。。。
Practicing on a Circuit
Operating an R/C car in an open area is one thing, but running it on a closed circuit is entirely different. Even though you are not competing, and only practicing, driving on a circuit will improve your driving skill. You can also observe techniques used by experienced drivers running highly tuned cars at the circuit.
No particular skill is required for driving a car just straight, and the drag speed is limited by the car’s own inherent performance capability. However, at curves, your finesse of taking corners affects the result even among cars of the same performance. Especially in speed races, the cornering technique is one of the decisive factors. After becoming accustomed to the car, try to practice smooth, speedy and stable cornering.
“Slow-in and Fast-out” is a golden rule in controlling speed in curves, and “Out-in-Out” instructs how to steer a car. Briefly, you should control speed in “slow-in and Fast-Out” manner and steer a car in an “Out-in-Out” manner.
Decelerating when entering into a curve and picking up the speed after the apex of the curve is the technique. In the case of entering bends without reducing speed, the car is forced to slow down before finishing corners to lose speed and stability. In the worst cases, the car might spin or run off the course. It also gets the car moving too late to pick up speed. As a result, “Slow-in and Fast-out” is the fastest way to take corners.
这项技术就是在进入弯道时刹车减速,到了弯中心的顶点(apex)处再加速。万一进弯时没有减速,车速就必须在完全过弯前减下来,这样车子就会变慢并且失去稳定性。更糟的是,车子可能会飞出赛道(极品飞车?呵呵)。所以结果是,“慢入快出”才是最快的过弯方法!(sanfen 补充一下,慢入快出有利于后面直到上的速度优势,学过物理的都应该知道,当你把两个相同的物体从空中丢下去(不是纸张,羽毛之类的物体),一个初速度快一点,一个初速度慢一点,两个物体间的距离就会不断加大。赛车也是同理,在急速范围内,两辆相同的车的距离也会因为初速度的不同而不断加大!^-^)