你們還記得嗎,先前的proline cup in UK 冠軍德國車手Jörn Neumann跑的那台大幅度手改的TTR-EB4-S3,就是照片裡Durango手捧的那台 剛剛又在網路上看到了以下消息 As an official Nova Rossi/Proline sponsored driver, Jörn has also entered the 1/8 offroad arena and very succesfully too. At first running the TT-car in 1/8, and recently changing to the Serpent 1/8 proto-type car (still with many alien parts). An excellent results was achieved during the last Proline race in the UK, where he managed to beat the world elite drivers from Europe and USA. 還有以前Neo-buggy的報導 We realise you have seen it before, but we got a few more pics of Neumann's Pro Line indoor race winning hybrid, most notably of the underside of the chassis (thanks Racer Mag) showing that the center diff mount is moveable! With Gerd being present and clearly having designed, developed most, if not all of the custom parts, maybe a Durango car is looking likely? 所以有可能Serpent的新buggy基本機件架構配置就如照片所示,不過懸吊部分就不清楚了,應該不太可能跟s3一樣,大家拭目以待吧!! [ 本帖最后由 kms 于 2007-9-2 06:39 PM 编辑 ] |
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