找到了螺纹受力分布的图。 文章中这样说到: Caution: It appears that one could theoretically increase the thread strength by increasing the length of engagement. However, as illustrated in the Load Distribution chart above, the first thread will be taking the majority of the applied load. For carbon steel fasteners (including tapped holes) the length of engagement would be limited to approximately one nominal diameter (approximately 1-1/2 times the diameter for aluminum). After that, there is no appreciable increase in strength. Once the applied load has exceeded the first thread’s capacity, it will fail and subsequently cause the remaining threads to fail in succession. 文章出处:百度(万能的)Screw Thread Design 大概中文意思是:注意:似乎有人会这样想通过增加螺纹长度就可以增加螺纹强度。不过从上面的载荷分布图可以看出,第一个螺纹承担了大部分负荷。对于碳钢来说,受力部分的长度只有一个直径那么长(对于铝来说约为1-1/2倍的直径)。由此来看,没必要增加螺纹长度。一旦第一个螺纹超过负荷能力,它桨失效,接下来引起其它螺纹相继失效。 |
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