WHAT’S “OUT-IN-OUT” It is, as illustrated, a way of turning curves from the outside line of a course into the inside line to which the car will come closest to the apexes (clipping points) and finishing the corner back to the outside line, thus making the longest possible turning radius. By utilizing the full width of the course, the car will make an easier turn than the actual curve. This will allow the car to run through the turns faster. 什么是“外-内-外”? 如图所示,它是一种在接近弯角的时候,车子尽可能走在赛道的外线;在弯中间走内线;然后走外线出弯。这样你就跑半径最大的路线了。要知道,你走的的路线半径越大,转速度就可以越高。换句话来说,您在弯中损失的速度越少。(这种过弯方法最好的利用了赛道的宽度,还让走了更短的路程) |
*Set the clipping point after the Apex In some cases, it may be advantageous to set the clipping point a little after the apex because it allows easier later half cornering and enables the car to accelerate out better. 过了apex加速 有的时候过了apex再加速可能会让你的车子再过弯加速时变得简单,甚至还可以让车更好的加速! ACCELERATION DURING THE LATTER HALF OF A CURVE IS IMPORTANT Both “Slow-in and Fast-out” and “Out-in-Out” techniques are established from attaching more importance to velocity in the latter half of cornering than the first half. This has to do with the acceleration of a car. A car increasing speed in the latter half of a turn can take the lead in the successive straight track, provided the cars should have the same pickup and maximum speed capability. This principle is true anywhere except in a very wide road where you are not required to reduce the speed at all. 在弯道的后期加速很重要 “外-内-外”和“慢入快出”这两种技术都是让你过弯的后一半比过弯的前一半要快。这需要车子的加速力。倘若所有的车子必须用相同的装备和相同的最高时速,更高的出弯速度能让你的车在弯后的直道上获得更大的优势。这个驾驶方法除了在一个很宽很宽的,甚至你过这个弯都不需要减速的弯道上是永远适用的。 WHEN PERFORMANCE GETS BETTER, THE DRIVING LINE SHOULD BE ALTERED When your car’s top speed becomes faster, by using a higher performance motor, etc., more deceleration will be required when entering corners. Not only the speed, but the handling characteristics, tire grip etc. will influence the driving line a car should take. 当车子性能提升时,要改变线位 当你的车因为用了更高性能的马达或者别的什么而变得更快时,你的车就需要更强的刹车能力来进弯。不只是速度,还有操纵特性,轮胎抓地力等等都会影响到车子的线位。 THE LAST CURVE IS THE MOST IMPORTANT IN A CHAIN The last curve is the most important in continuous curves. In successive bends of a road, steer your car so that it will make the easiest turn at the last curve. Then you will be able to accelerate as soon as you reach the straight. 最后一个弯是一个系列弯中最重要的 最后一个弯是几个连续弯中最重要的。在连续的弯曲的一段赛道中,让你的车在最后一个弯开好,这样你就可以在弯后的直到上做到更好的加速。 |
CONSIDER COMPLEX CURVES AS ONE Consider complex curves as one integrated compound curve. In the case of complex curves with different radii, you can manage to get through by considering them as one curve. 把复合弯道变成一个弯来处理 在过复合弯道时可以把他们变成一个弯来处理。当你遇到许多复合的不同半径的弯时,你可以把他们当成一个弯来对付。 |
TAKING THE INSIDE LINE ON GENTLE CURVES Although the “Slow-in, “Fast-out and the “Out-in-Out” rules are basic for cornering, if the curve is gentle enough, there is little or no need to reduce speed. Naturally, it is advantageous to use the inside line throughout the curve, when possible. 在过比较柔和的弯时走中线 虽然“外-内-外”和“慢入快出”是基础的过弯方法。但如果他们的角度都不是很大,你就根本不需要减速。自然而然走中间线就成了最好的选择,当然前提是你的车能做得到,不然撞一下就得不偿失了! |
OBSERVE THE ENTIRE CIRCUIT LAYOUT Although several tips are offered when describing individual curves, a circuit is a succession of straights and curves. It is therefore important to observe the entire layout and select a smooth running line for completing a lap. Repeat practice laps, trying various routes to find the ideal line. Shortening your lap times during trials is a very rewarding part of R/C cars. 观察整个赛道进行策划 虽然刚才已经告诉你了几个过独立的弯的方法,而一个赛道是由许许多多的弯道和直道组成的。因此观察赛道并进行一定的计划来很平滑的完成一圈比赛是很重要的,重复的练习,多试几种线位来找到一个理想的线位。在试车时减短你的最快圈速使用的时间是非常有益的!(这句翻得有点别扭^.^) 2. ADVANCED CORNERING TECHNIQUES Not just steering alone but combining with throttle control, various cornering techniques can be obtained. Practice and master this for much faster and smoother cornering. 2。高级过弯技巧 不只是方向操纵,还要加上油门的操纵,这就是练习出复杂的弯道技巧的方法。练习并掌握它,这可以让你过弯更快更顺滑 FOUR WHEEL DRIFT This technique is achieved by oversteering while decelerating in the early stage of cornering. As the rear wheels start to slide outward and the nose heads towards the inside of the corner, neutralize the steering and add power. The car will take the corner with all wheels sliding. This technique is suitable for rear wheel drive and 4WD racecars. 四轮漂移 这种技术是建立在由于你的车减速重心前移而造成的转向过度,让车头对着弯内部。这时要减少转向并加速。车子就会四轮侧向滑动,这种驾驶方法适合于后驱车和四驱车(蚊车由于太快,如果用后驱从理论上可以,但是要做到几乎是不可能的) |
COUNTER STEERING The term means to steer the wheels against the turn of a corner. If a car enters the corner too fast, the rear wheels could start to skid, resulting in a spin. To stop this, steer into the direction of the skid. This technique is used to prevent the car from spinning and is not for enhancing cornering speed. 反打方向 这个术语是说把前轮的方向往弯的反方向转。如果你的车进弯太快,后轮会刹住,导致甩尾。为了停止甩尾,你就得打反方向,这是一种防止甩尾又不减速的好方法! |
WEIGHT LOAD SHIFT ACCORDING TO POWER APPLIED When running at a steady speed, the load is divided between the car’s front and rear wheels in a fixed ratio. During deceleration, more of a load is put on the front wheels because of inertia, resulting in sharper steering response. Opposite of this is acceleration, where more of a load is put on the rear wheels, producing a slower steering response. Both the four-wheel drift use this weight load shift to obtain the desired cornering effect. 重心转移 当你的车子在以一个固定的速度行驶时,车子的重量是以一个固定的比例分配在前轮和后轮上的。但是, 当你在减速时,由于惯性,前轮会受到更大的压力,转向就更灵敏。相反,当你加速时,后轮会受到更大的压力,转向就会变得更迟钝。四轮漂移就是应为这种重心转移的影响而形成的。 |
PRACTICE AS IF YOU WERE RACING A race is run with many cars at the same time. If you want to become familiar with racing, the best way is to hold practice sessions with your friends as a group. It is important to feel the difference between driving a car by yourself and driving with competition. You’ll notice that the track seems somewhat narrower with all the cars and becomes difficult to steer your car on the line you desire. Experience is what counts to get your car ahead of the others. 把练习当作比赛来练习 一场比赛就是许多辆车在同一时间在同一赛道上跑。如果你想更熟悉比赛的话,虽好就是和你的一群朋友们在一起练习。去感受与一群人比赛和自己一个人玩的区别是很重要的。你会发现比赛的时候赛道会应为对手的存在而变得更窄,还有有的时候你会发现比赛时要想跑出心中的理想的线位是很困难的!经验是让你领先的最有价值的东西! |
START The result of a race sometimes depends upon the start. However, a quick start is not always advantageous. Accidents are most likely to occur between the start and the first corner because participating cars are running close to one another. Decide how you should start according to the characteristics of your car and the course layout. 发车 比赛的结果有时取决于该场比赛的发车。不管怎样,一个好的发车始终是有益的。撞车事故似乎总是在发车与第一个弯中间发生,这是由于发车时大家离得都很近。赛前一定要决定好你要以什么姿态去发车还有你发车后要跑什么线位。 |
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