wengwengisgood 中级 Fans 发消息
发表于 08-11-13 16:08:05 |显示全部楼层 来自: 新加坡
刚入手了Revo 3.3,美国产品还是值得夸奖,用户手册写的挺详细还附带一张DVD讲解.但都是英文,好多专业术语,看的我头昏眼花.心疼买新车的银子,决心还是好好研读下手册,故开此一贴,将其中重要部分翻译对照,本人玩车菜鸟,下面表述不对地方请大家指正,谢谢!!!

说明下,大概50页内容,本人边翻边贴上,计划2到3周左右完成~也请大家监督帮顶,呵呵 ~

第一篇: 专业术语(上)
Terms to Know 术语解释
You’ll find these Nitro R/C engine terms throughout this section
of the manual.通过这部分解释这你可以了解硝基赛车引擎相关术语。
.15 - .15 or “15” refers to the displacement of the engine. The TRX 2.5
Racing Engine is .15 cubic inches or 2.5 cubic centimeters (cc). The name
“TRX 2.5” is derived from the cc measurement.
.15或者”.15”是指引擎运程空间。TRX 2.5赛车引擎是指1.5立方英寸或者2.5立方厘米。TRX2.5名称就是按立方厘米计算值得来。
.20 - .20 or “20” refers to the size of the engine. The TRX 3.3 is .20 cubic
inches or 3.3 cubic centimeters (cc). The name “TRX 3.3” is derived from
the cc measurement.
.20或者”.20”是指引擎运程空间。TRX 3.3赛车引擎是指.2立方英寸或者3.3立方厘米。TRX3.3名称就是按立方厘米计算值得来。
ABC - Abbreviation for aluminum, brass, and chrome. Refers to engine
construction that consists of an aluminum piston that slides in a chromeplated
brass sleeve. The TRX 3.3 uses ABC construction.
Air filter - The air filter sits atop the carburetor and prevents harmful dust
and dirt from entering the engine. Dirt ingestion is the number one
cause of premature engine failure so the engine should never be run
without the air filter in place.
BDC - Bottom dead center. The bottom-most position of the engine
piston stroke.
Break-in - Break-in is the procedure for running a brand new engine
according to specific instructions. This correctly prepares the engine for
normal running. The break-in procedure can be different for different
makes of engines. Follow the Traxxas directions for break-in exactly.
Break-in – 试运行(磨合引擎)是指按照特别流程发动运转全新引擎,为了正确初始化保证引擎正常运转。磨引擎的步骤因不同引擎而不同。请按Traxxas指导正确操作磨合引擎。
Carb - Abbreviation for carburetor.
Carb – 化油器简称。
Carburetor - The carburetor atomizes (mixes) the fuel with the air so that
the engine can burn it. There are two types of carburetors; slide carbs
and barrel carbs. The TRX 3.3 uses the superior slide carburetor design.
化油器 – 化油器雾化(混合)燃料和空气使其能在引擎内燃烧。有两种类型的化油器:滑动化油器和桶状化油器。 TRX 3.3使用的是高级滑动化油器设计。
Clean-out - Cleaning-out is a condition that occurs when the engine is
accelerating and the fuel mixture becomes sufficiently lean to allow the
engine to continue into its upper rpm power band. It is usually
characterized by a noticeable decrease in blue exhaust smoke and a
dramatic increase in engine speed.
清油– 清油是为了引擎加速时让燃料混合更充分从而让引擎到更高的转速区。通常表现就是可见的少量排气管蓝烟以及明显的引擎速度提升。
Combustion chamber - The combustion chamber is machined into the
bottom of the cylinder head. This is where the glow plug ignites the fuel.
The shape of the combustion chamber is designed to promote more
efficient burning of the fuel.
Combustion chamber –燃烧室是位于气缸头的底部。就是火头点燃燃料的位置。燃烧室的形状设计为了提高更有效的燃烧效率。
Connecting rod - The connecting rod transfers the piston motion to the
crankshaft. The TRX 3.3 Racing Engine uses a “knife-edged” connecting
rod. The aerodynamic, sharpened edges allow it to “slice” through the
pressurized air/fuel mixture inside the crankcase.
连接杆 – 连接杆作用是将活塞运动传输到机轴。TRX 3.3赛车引擎使用”刀锋”连接杆.根据空气动力,锋利面可以将加压的空气/燃料混合物分片推进曲轴箱。
Crankcase - The engine’s “body” that contains all of the running
mechanical components.
曲轴箱 – 引擎的”主体”,包含了左右运转机械部件。
Crankshaft - The main shaft of the engine that holds the
reciprocating assembly.
机轴 – 引擎主轴连摆动装置。
Cooling fins - The cooling fins are milled into the cylinder head and
crankcase and cause heat to be drawn away from the engine. Heat is
removed when it dissipates into the air passing across the cooling fins.
It is important to keep the fins clean of dirt and debris for maximum
cooling efficiency.
散热片 – 散热片与气缸头和曲轴箱一体构造使引擎散热。热量随着散热片间穿过消散的空气而带走。保持散热片清洁无污垢对保证高效冷却非常重要。
Cylinder head (head) - The finned aluminum part on top of the engine
that is responsible for dissipating most of the engine’s heat. The
combustion chamber is machined into the bottom of the head.
气缸头 – 引擎头部的鳍状铝金属部分负责引擎大部分的散热功能。燃烧室安装在气缸头底部.
Dyno - Abbreviation for dynamometer. A precise piece of testing
equipment that accurately measures engine power and torque output
over the engine’s entire rpm range.
动力计 – 动力测量计简称。一种精确的测量设备可以测算引擎转速区域内动力和扭力输出。
EZ-Start - Traxxas on-board electric starting system. The system consists of
a hand held starter control unit and an on-board gearbox with an electric
motor to spin the engine.
EZ-Start – Traxxas, 内置电启动系统。该系统由手持启动控制单元和带动内置齿轮箱的电马达旋转引擎启动。
Filter foam - The oiled foam element inside the air filter housing. The filter
foam in the TRX 3.3 must be thoroughly cleaned and re-oiled after every
hour of run time.
过滤海绵 – 空气过滤套内的上过油的海绵。TRX3.3的过滤海绵每次跑过后必须彻底清洁和重新上油。
Fit - Usually refers to the fit of the piston and sleeve. If the fit is tight, the
piston will feel very tight at top of the sleeve (top dead center), and the
engine will have good sealing and compression. If the fit is loose,
compression will be low and both the piston and sleeve should be
贴合 – 通常指活塞和套筒的贴合情况。如果贴合紧,活塞在上止点会感觉非常紧,那么引擎会有很好的密封性和压缩性。如果贴合松,那么压缩性差,活塞和套筒应该都被更换掉。
Flame-out - Occurs when the engine stops running at high rpm. Usually
the fault of an excessively lean fuel mixture or glow plug failure.
Flame-out – 发生在引擎在高转速情况下停止。通常问题原因是缺油(断油)或者火头有问题。
Fuel - (10%, 20%, 33%) The TRX 3.3 must have model engine fuel to run.
Traxxas Top Fuel™ is recommended. Fuel is sold in quarts and gallons
from hobby dealers. The 10%, 20% and 33% labeling refers to the
percentage of nitromethane contained in the fuel.
燃料 - (10%, 20%, 33%)TRX 3.3按型号选择燃料运转。推荐使用Traxxas Top燃料。 燃料在模型店按夸脱或者加仑销售。 10%,20%,33%标签是指燃料内硝基甲烷的含量比。
Fuel mixture - The ratio of fuel to air as determined by the needle settings
of the carburetor.
燃料混合 – 燃料空气混合比,由化油器针调节确定。
Fuel tubing (fuel line) - The thick silicone tubing that carries fuel
from the fuel tank to the carburetor.
油管 – 厚硅胶管用来将油从油箱传输到化油器。
Glow plug - The glow plug is located in the cylinder head at the top of the
combustion chamber. It contains an element that glows red hot when
voltage is applied. Whengine is being started, the heat from the
glow plug ignites the fuel mixture and starts the combustion process.
火头 – 火头位于在气缸内燃烧室顶部。包括一个加电压就会发热发红的装置。当引擎发动后,火头引燃燃料混合开始燃烧过程。
Glow plug driver - This tool clips onto the glow plug and supplies the
required voltage to light the glow plug element. It is also called an
igniter. EZ-Start equipped engines do not require this separate tool.
点火装置 – 用这个工具夹住火头以提供需要的电压去点火火头的点火装置。也被称作点火器。装备了EZ-Start的引擎不需要这个单独工具。
Header - The aluminum tube that connects the exhaust system to the
engine exhaust port. The length and diameter of the header must be
carefully selected to extract the most power from the engine.
连接头 –连接排气系统和引擎排气口的铝管。 连接头的长度和直径必须仔细选择以配合发挥引擎最佳动力。
High-speed needle (HSN) - Adjusts the carburetors fuel/air mixture at
high throttle openings.
高速油针 – 调节当进气阀开情况下化油器油/空气混合比。
Idle speed - The speed (rpm) the engine runs at when the transmitter’s
throttle trigger is at neutral.
怠速 – 当传动阀未触发打开情况下引擎速度(转数)
Idle speed screw (ISS) - Located on the carburetor body. This screw
adjusts the idle rpm of the engine.
怠速螺丝 – 位于化油器上。该螺丝调节引擎怠速情况转速。
Lean - A running condition where the engine is not getting enough fuel
(for the available air). Symptoms include engine overheating, or the
engine runs for a short time and then stalls, particularly at high speed.
This is a dangerous  that should be corrected immediately or
it can ruin your engine.
贫油 – 引擎供油不足(空气畅通)下的运转情况。症状有引擎过热,或者跑一小段引擎就熄火,尤其是高速情况。这种是非常危险的情况,应该立即修正否则会损坏引擎。
jeef918 金牌 Fans 发消息
发表于 08-11-13 16:26:51 |显示全部楼层 来自: 中国河南南阳

发表于 08-11-13 16:46:59 |显示全部楼层 来自: 中国广东深圳
luckjingjing 论坛元老 发消息
发表于 08-11-13 17:21:34 |显示全部楼层 来自: 中国广东佛山
楼主持续更新的话,此贴必火...  留名!
wengwengisgood 中级 Fans 发消息
发表于 08-11-13 17:27:30 |显示全部楼层 来自: 新加坡
Leaning the mixture - Turning either the high-speed and/or low-speed
needle(s) clockwise to decrease the amount of fuel the engine receives.
Low-speed needle (LSN) - Needle valve that controls the fuel mixture at
low throttle openings.
Needle valve - Valve consisting of a tapered needle that closes against a
corresponding seat to regulate fuel flow.
Nitro - Abbreviation for nitromethane, a component of model engine
fuel that improves fuel combustion and power output. Nitro also refers
to a class of R/C powered by model engines instead of electric.
硝基硝基甲烷简称, 引擎燃料的成分之一用于提高燃烧和动力输出。硝基也用来表示一类相对电动车而言的油动赛车。
Nitro content - The amount of nitromethane used in the fuel. Usually
measured as a percentage of the total fuel volume. Traxxas engines are
optimized to use 10-20% nitro. 33% nitro may be used for racing.
Nitromethane - Nitromethane is a component in the fuel that increases
power from the combustion process up to a point. Engines are
generally optimized to use a range of nitro content for the best power.
硝基甲烷 -硝基甲烷是燃料中用于提高从燃烧全过程获得动力的成分。引擎为获得最好动力一般按一定范围硝基量作了优化。
O-ring - Rubber “O”-shaped ring used as a sealing gasket.
Pipe - Abbreviation for the tuned exhaust pipe on a nitro engine.
See “Tuned Pipe”.
Piston - The piston is the internal engine part that is attached to the
upper end of the connecting rod and moves up and down in the
cylinder sleeve. The precise fit between the piston and the sleeve
creates a seal that allows the engine to have the required compression
for combustion.
Port - Ports are openings in the sleeve that allow atomized fuel to enter
the combustion chamber and burned exhaust gases to exit. The shape
and location of the ports are a large factor in controlling the engine
timing and power output.

teng 超级元老 发消息
发表于 08-11-13 20:36:29 |显示全部楼层 来自: 中国广东深圳
wengwengisgood 中级 Fans 发消息
发表于 08-11-13 20:39:57 |显示全部楼层 来自: 新加坡
Priming - Manually causing fuel to move from the fuel tank up to the

carburetor. This is sometimes necessary after the engine has been

sitting for a long period of time and all of the fuel has drained back to

the tank. On a Traxxas model this is done by holding your finger over

the exhaust tip for one or two seconds while the engine is starting.


Punch - A term that refers to how quickly the model responds to throttle

input or how quickly it accelerates.


Rich - A running condition where the engine is getting too much fuel for

the available air. It is better to run an engine slightly rich to increase

engine life. Excessively rich mixtures cause the engine to have sluggish

performance with exaggerated blue smoke and unburned fuel coming

from the exhaust.

富油- 指运转状况下引擎内相对空气入油太多。最好让引擎稍微有些富油可以延长引擎寿命。过分富油会造成引擎加速反应延迟并伴随较浓蓝烟和排气口流出未燃烧的燃料。

rpm - Abbreviation for revolutions per minute (how many times the

engine crankshaft spins in a minute).

RPM-每分钟转速简称 (一分钟引擎曲轴转动次数)

Sleeve - Internal engine part that contains the piston. The precise fit

between the sleeve and the piston creates a seal that allows engine to

have the required compression for combustion. The sleeve in a TRX

engine is made of brass and is then hard-chrome plated.


Slide carburetor - The throttle on a slide carburetor closes and opens by

sliding a barrel in and out of the carburetor body. This type of

carburetor is preferred for performance use because it provides a less

restrictive “straight-through” air path than the barrel carburetor design.


Stall - When the engine stops running, usually due to an incorrect fuel

mixture setting or running out of fuel.


TDC - Top dead center. The top-most position of the engine

piston stroke.


Tuned pipe - The tuned exhaust pipe usually consists of a speciallyshaped

metal or composite chamber with baffles that is designed to

enhance the power output of the engine.


Wear-in - Fitment process that occurs during engine break-in where

internal engine parts develop an even more precise matched fit

through actual use under controlled circumstances.


WOT - Abbreviation for wide-open throttle.
wengwengisgood 中级 Fans 发消息
发表于 08-11-13 21:01:58 |显示全部楼层 来自: 新加坡
原帖由 teng 于 2008-11-13 08:36 PM 发表

:em08: 一定啦!!! 坚持更新~努力更新~拼命更新!!!
wengwengisgood 中级 Fans 发消息
发表于 08-11-13 21:44:43 |显示全部楼层 来自: 新加坡
第二篇.Breaking in Your TRX 3.3 Racing Engine 磨合你的TRX3.3赛车引擎
The TRX 3.3 Racing Engine uses a ringless, aluminum-brass-chrome (ABC)
piston/sleeve construction. This type of engine design relies on a very
precise running fit between the piston and sleeve for cylinder sealing.
Engine break-in is necessary to allow the piston and sleeve to develop
an extremely precise fit and optimum cylinder sealing. Therefore,
proper engine break-in is critical to achieving the fastest, most reliable
engine performance.
Allow yourself about 1 to 11/2 hours to complete the break-in procedure.
The engine break-in period will take 5 tanks of fuel in a Revo. The breakin
time is not the time to impress your friends with your new Revo. You
must wait until the engine is fully broken in before attempting
sustained high speed running. Patience and careful attention during
break-in will reward you with the best-performing TRX 3.3 Racing Engine
给自己留出11个半小时时间来完成磨合吧。Revo引擎磨合期间要使用5箱燃料。磨合还不是向你朋友展示你新Revo的时机。你必须等到引擎完全磨合好后再尝试让Revo高速运转。你磨合期间保持耐心和仔细,才会有最佳性能的TRX 3.3作为回报.
During break-in, your engine may appear to malfunction with symptoms
like stalling, inconsistent performance, and fouled glow plugs. These are
simply the normal “break-in pains” engines sometimes go through. They
will disappear once your engine is fully broken in. Many owners report
not experiencing any of these symptoms with TRX Racing Engines. We
recommend to go ahead and replace the glow plug with a new one
after the engine break in procedure.
Engine Break-in Procedure
The focus during break-in is to vary and limit the engine speed. This will
be accomplished by accelerating and stopping at different rates for the
first 5 tanks of fuel. As the engine begins to break-in, the duration and
intensity of the acceleration will gradually increase. Sustained highspeed
running is not permitted until the 6th tank of fuel. Perform the
initial break-in on a large, flat, paved surface. Revo is very fast and by
tanks 4 and 5 you will need plenty of room for the truck to run in.
Apply all throttle and braking actions gently. Abrupt acceleration or
braking could cause the engine to stall unnecessarily.

一舊舊 超级元老 发消息
发表于 08-11-13 22:27:39 |显示全部楼层 来自: 中国广东广州
:em29: 支持LZ~~可以更了解我的REVO了~~~
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